Community Profile
Choices exist everywhere. In locations across the region, comparable assets and incentives are abundantly available. Your principal objective is to find that unique location that offers everything you have envisioned for your company including access, infrastructure, and quality of life.
Consider the City of Hamilton.
Centrally located between the Cincinnati and Dayton markets in southwest Ohio, the City of Hamilton is an important regional center of business, industry, and government.
From Japan to Germany, from Italy to Canada, international employers have chosen to locate their U.S. operations in Hamilton. Here, they have access to a skilled workforce in a strategic business location – as well as the opportunity to introduce their employees to a wealth of important amenities, including competitive schools and a prestigious arts community.
The City’s rich industrial history and manufacturing prowess make it particularly appealing to businesses locating both for the right location and right facilities. These factors, coupled with a talented, multidisciplinary workforce, attractively priced land, high quality infrastructure and utility service, make Hamilton a destination for business growth and development.
Hamilton encourages the location and expansion of businesses by developing industrially zoned parkland. Currently, approximately 200 acres of industrial park land and 750,000 square feet of office space remain available for development, including Hamilton Enterprise Park, University Commerce Park, Vora Technology Park and the Liberty Building.
Equipped with a variety of business assistance programs, the City of Hamilton works to support local companies with technical assistance and access to a portfolio of financial programs including tax abatements, and other state and federal programs. These include state and local tax incentives, as well as job training programs. The City of Hamilton works closely with regional, state and federal agencies to combine these programs for the greatest benefit to our companies. Designated as a national Renewal Community, the City of Hamilton is also able to offer exclusive benefits to companies seeking to relocate or expand within our community.
Reliability. Flexibility. Service. As owner-operator of the primary utility services within the city of Hamilton (electric, natural gas, and water), the City can provide greater flexibility and service to its customers than traditional investor-owned utilities.
We look forward to welcoming you to the City of Hamilton.